
With Cuba Ambassador invitation, Hebei International Studies University participated in the 61th anniversary ceremony of the friendship between China and Cuba

发布日期:2021/10/29 11:42:41 访问次数:1638

With Cuba Ambassador invitation, Hebei International Studies University participated in the 61th anniversary ceremony of the friendship between China and Cuba With Cuba Ambassador invitation, Hebei International Studies University participated in the 61th anniversary ceremony of the friendship between China and Cuba With Cuba Ambassador invitation, Hebei International Studies University participated in the 61th anniversary ceremony of the friendship between China and Cuba With Cuba Ambassador invitation, Hebei International Studies University participated in the 61th anniversary ceremony of the friendship between China and Cuba

On the September 28th afternoon, under the invitation of ambassordor Peileisi ,the duputy  president Zhu Hongsu professor in Hebei International Studies University, the associated president  Doctor Yangzhen, the international director Sunyifan , foreign teacher A Shima, went to Beijing and attended the 61th anniversary ceremony of friendship between China and Cuba. The represitatives of South African affairs Qiu Xiaoqi, foreign department and all the international ambassadors in China and the represitatives from all the companies and universities.

Cuba ambassador Pei Leila in China met with the delegation from Hebei International Studies University, the ambassador care about the new page of the new district and the construction of new school. The associated president Zhu Hongsu and the duputy president Yangzhen transferred the warm welcome to the delegation. The ambassador Pei Leila requests that the delegation from Hebei International Studies University to transfer the warm welcome to president Sun and the associated president Xi.

On Cctober 2020, on the welcoming meeting between China and Cuba,the president SunJianzhong provideD the Certification of 60th anniversary between China and Cuba,and the memory mental of 60th anniversary of friendship between China and the Cuba ,and gave their thanks to Hebei International Studies University and the president of Hebei International Studies University for the contribution that the president of Hebei International Studies University and Hebei International Studies University.

With the help and support of Cuba Ambassa , Hebei International Sudies University cooperated with Cuba Advanced education department, Cuba Public sanitation department,many advanced universities in Cuba,and made the pactical cooperation,and started the authentic cooperation with eaxh other.

Hebei International Studies University has become the important university that have cooperation with Cuba. The president of Hebei International Studies University is the foreign professor in Cuba Science deparment, he devoted a lot of time in constructing China-CUba education cooperaion career and made contribution to the China-Cuba freindship.